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Summer’s Out, Greens Are In

Summer has come and gone, and it’s officially fall. Somehow the warmer months feel like the perfect time for eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies. Maybe it’s the allure of eating watermelon by the pool, the opportunity to grill seasonal vegetables for dinner, or simply the wide selection of amazing summer produce. 

However, summer isn’t the only time of year to enjoy fresh produce. Fall has plenty of its own wonderful seasonal offerings as well, including apples, kale, spinach, bell peppers, collard greens, pineapples, pumpkin, and more. In fact, each season has its own unique fruit and vegetable options. Take advantage of the variety and make it a priority to eat plenty of produce no matter the season! Here are a few reasons why getting your fruits and veggies in is so important. 

Fresh produce is a great source of vitamins and minerals. A variety of vitamins and minerals are necessary to maintain our health. For example, calcium strengthens bones and teeth, iron is needed for healthy blood and cells, potassium assists in regulating blood pressure, and Vitamin C helps the immune system. Eating fruits and vegetables is the best way to make sure you are consuming those essential nutrients. 

Fruits and veggies contain fiber. A fiber-rich diet is important for many reasons. It feeds good gut bacteria, helps balance blood sugar, improves the health of the colon’s lining, and reduces the risk of various diseases. Most fruits and vegetables are high in fiber to provide you with all of those benefits!  

They’re convenient and quick. When you’re running out the door and need to bring a snack along with you, reaching for a piece of fruit or some raw vegetables is an easy choice. Options like bananas, apples, carrots, celery, and cherry tomatoes are convenient to take on the go. Some don’t even require any packaging, unlike traditional snack options like chips or crackers. 

Eating fruits and vegetables assists with weight management. Because produce tends to be high in fiber and water content but low in calories, it can leave you feeling more full after eating and help you feel satisfied for a longer period of time. Replacing higher-calorie foods and snacks with fruits and vegetables can assist with weight loss if necessary. In the long term, this can decrease the risks that come with weight gain including Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. 

Incorporating fruits and vegetables into meals opens the door to so many amazing recipes. From sour to sweet, crunchy to soft, and creamy to crispy, there’s a wide spectrum of tastes and textures found in produce. When you add it to your diet, you’re opening up a whole new world of flavor. To experiment with incorporating different fruits and vegetables into your meals, take a look at some of these recipes.

You’ll find delicious ideas like Sweet Potato Collard Greens Egg Bake, Zuppa Toscana, Crispy Zucchini Chips, Strawberry Chocolate Oat Bars, and so many more. 

Here at WP Rawl, we’re dedicated to providing you with fresh, wholesome vegetables. We want to help you obtain the vitamins, minerals, and fiber you need, give you convenient snacking options and encourage you to try delightful new recipes. Find our greens in a grocery store near you to start adding these benefits to your life. After all, summer’s out and greens are in!