Gather Around the Table This Holiday Season

When you think back on all of the Thanksgivings that you’ve celebrated, what do you think of?

Do you think of watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade with the smells of sweet potatoes cooking in the oven floating throughout the house? Do you think of loading up in the car with your parents and siblings and heading out to grandma’s house for an afternoon with the extended family? Is it a favorite side dish or traditional dessert? We know that for many people, food is the centerpiece of their Thanksgiving memories—and we love it, because it means that you’re coming together around the table to enjoy time with those you love most.

 Throughout the year, we gather around the table with our friends and families to break bread together, to mark momentous occasions, and to celebrate the special things in life. The holidays always bring us together once more to do all of the above. From our community here in South Carolina to countries around the world, people are coming together to be with one another this month as the holiday season begins.

 During this season of gratitude and thanksgiving, show those in your life how appreciative you are of them by cooking something thoughtful and delicious for them. Does your partner do the majority of the cooking in your house? Give them the night off and prepare an easy salad that you can share together. Does your mom handle all of the meal prep during the holiday season? Lend a helping hand by offering to make a side dish or two that the entire family can enjoy together.

Here are some of our favorite autumn recipes that we know will leave your family impressed. But know that no matter what you cook, it’s always the thought that counts and we know they’ll appreciate the time you took to think of them and prepare something for them in your kitchen.

Thanksgiving Morning Breakfast to Share

We know—Thanksgiving can often be a long day in the kitchen for everyone, and being so busy, most of us dive right into the Thanksgiving dinner preparation and forget about breakfast. Kick off your Thanksgiving on a tasty note with these make-ahead Kale & Sausage Egg Muffins. We know your family will love seeing you walk into the kitchen with an easy breakfast to share to tide everyone over until dinner is ready!

 Side Dish for Thanksgiving Day

We know that everyone has their traditional Thanksgiving Day favorites from turkey to mashed potatoes, stuffing, and sweet potatoes. What are our favorites? Macaroni and Cheese and yams!! Try our recipe for Savory Turkey and Turnip Greens Over Yams, it’s a fun twist on a family favorite!


Score some extra points at the end of the day by whipping out these Brownies after everyone’s had time to digest Thanksgiving dinner. Indulge your sweet tooth without the extra calories—these brownies have apples, apple sauce, bananas, and kale mixed in.

 What recipe brings back your favorite holiday memories? What recipes do your family love to enjoy together during the holiday season? We’d love to know, and we’d love to see how you’re recreating them this holiday season in your kitchen. Whether you’re sharing a photo of you cooking with your children or of your family gathered around the table, be sure to tag us in your photos and videos on social media with @naturesgreens and #FarmFreshGreens.

 Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Christine Jackson

Christine is the Marketing Manger for WP Rawl. She loves to spend time with her growing family, is a morning kale smoothie lover, and secretly wishes she could be Jennifer Lopez's body double.