Cook Up Some Collard Green Luck

With 2022 only days away, it’s almost time to prepare for the big New Year’s meal. Traditionally, people around the world gather to feast over specific foods that symbolize health, wealth, and prosperity for the coming year. Most popular southern traditions include greens, beans, pork, and cornbread. These foods represent good fortune, money, progress, and gold.  

Although many of these foods are enjoyed year-round, it’s said to bring you bad luck if you don’t start off the New Year with them. Fortunately for you, we have enough collard green recipes to last a lifetime.  Besides, what better way to start 2022 than with a healthy serving of greens!

Regardless of your tradition, if you’re looking to make the coming year your best one yet, or just looking for a delicious collard green recipe, we’ve got you covered!

Heart Smart Collards

You can’t go wrong keeping it simple. This traditional collard green recipe only calls for the basics. Chicken/vegetable broth, water, olive-oil, salt, pepper, and sugar. Cook on medium until the desired tenderness.

Collards with Kimchi

A delicious twist to a classic collard green dish. Sauté some onion, stir in the collards and broth, let cook for about 20 minutes and then add the vinegar and kimchi. Ready to serve in just 30 minutes.

Collard Greens with Caramelized Apples and Onions

If you’re looking to sweeten your greens, try adding caramelized apples. Cook your collards as normal in water and chicken broth, then add 2 tablespoons of white wine and a onion-apple mixture. Takes just 5 minutes to prep!

Italian Sausage White Bean and Collard Green Soup

This Italian spin on collard greens has become a favorite we hope you enjoy. Let your sausage cook, then your onions and carrots, before adding in the greens and bringing to a boil. Lastly, add the beans and cook for another 10 minutes. Perfect when served with cornbread.

Asian Collard Stir Fry

This recipe is a quick and easy way to prepare collard greens with an Asian twist. Start by sautéing the onions, then add the collards and top with rice vinegar and soy sauce. Finish by adding honey and stirring with the vinegars. Ready to eat in 25 minutes.

We may not be able to control your luck, but we’ll do our best to help. Stop by your local grocery store and pick up a bag of Nature’s Greens Collard Greens. Locally grown just for you this New Years!