10 Habits for a Healthy Summer Routine

With the kids out of school, vacations, and other obligations, you may find yourself falling out of your normal routine during the summer. And while it is a season to relax and unwind, that doesn’t mean you have to neglect your health goals. Instead, try adapting your regular habits to create a new healthy routine that works with your summer schedule. After all, this season is a great time to get moving outdoors and take advantage of the availability of fresh produce. 

So, here are 10 practical tips that you can implement in your daily routine to help you live a healthier life this summer. 


Commit to a healthy breakfast each day. 

Summertime provides plenty of opportunities to consume delicious meals and indulgent desserts. One way to ensure you’re having at least one fresh, nutrient-filled meal each day is to plan to eat a healthy breakfast daily. That way, you’ve had some fruits and/or veggies before you even leave your house for the day! Greens trio breakfast toast, a back-to-basics smoothie, or these Mediterranean egg white cups are all fantastic options to get your greens in first thing in the morning.


Find different ways to move your body.

The sunny summer weather is perfect for getting outside and enjoying nature. While you spend time in the great outdoors, try engaging in fun activities like biking, kayaking, paddle boarding, swimming, playing tennis, or hiking. These are excellent methods of physical activity that will have you moving without even feeling like it’s exercise. And since there are so many different summer activities to choose from, you’ll never be bored.


Utilize seasonal produce in meals and snacks.

The summer brings an abundance of seasonal fruits and vegetables like apples, avocados, melons, corn, cucumbers, berries, summer squash, tomatoes, and more. Take advantage of the availability of these options by planning lunches and dinners that incorporate your favorites. Grilled veggies & BBQ steak, Sautéed Kale with Chickpeas, Okra, and Tomatoes, and Berry Pecan Kale Salad are just a few tasty meal ideas that use summer produce. Additionally, keeping some fresh fruits and veggies on hand can make for excellent, healthy snacking choices.


Try taking cold showers.

The shock of cold water can have a multitude of health benefits for both the body and mind. Studies have shown that cold showers can help with mental clarity, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, lift your mood, improve skin and hair health, and support a healthy metabolism. And in the heat of the summer, a cold shower can be helpful for cooling down.


Be sure to stay hydrated.

Drinking plenty of water is important year-round, but it becomes even more of a priority in the warmer months. Most of us are sweating more than usual and need to replace those lost fluids. The amount of water a person needs will vary based on factors like climate and diet, but a general rule of thumb is to drink at least 8 cups of water per day. Drinking smoothies like this Going Green Smoothie or this Kale Mango Pineapple Ginger Smoothie can also aid in hydration.


Use sunscreen anytime you leave the house.

Sunscreen protects your skin against the harmful UV rays that cause sunburn, skin cancer, and premature aging. Those rays are especially strong in the summertime, so while it’s a good habit to wear sunscreen at any time of year, it’s vital during the summer. Your skin will thank you!


Avoid excessive amounts of processed foods.

When you’re out of your normal daily routine in the summer, ultra-processed convenience foods such as microwave dinners, potato chips, and sugary breakfast cereals can become the easy choice for snacks and meals. While there’s room for balance in your diet, it would be a good choice to avoid these kinds of foods as much as possible. Instead, try preparing food ahead of time so that when you’re hungry, you can turn to those healthier options rather than the quick, processed choices. This make-ahead smoothie or Fresh Turnip Green Tabbouleh would be ideal options to have on hand.


Make time for rest.

Due to longer daylight hours and increased opportunities for socialization, you may find that you’re getting less sleep than usual in the summer months. However, without enough sleep, you become more prone to health issues. Prioritize your rest by keeping a consistent sleep schedule and taking time to wind down before bedtime.


Pack your own snacks for trips and outings.

If you’re taking a summer road trip, snacks are non-negotiable. However, they don’t have to be the typical unhealthy options. Instead, you can pack better-for-you foods like superfood balls, hummus, or greens & seeds popcorn. Get the recipes and more ideas here!


Spend time in the sunshine to absorb Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient, but about 42% of the American population is actually Vitamin D deficient. Make sure you’re staying on top of your Vitamin D needs by spending time outside in the sun. Being exposed to the sunlight is one of the best ways to absorb this vitamin, and the summertime is the perfect time to make sure you’re getting as much as possible.

Keeping a healthy summer routine is all about taking small, achievable steps. Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to do it all at once, and make it fun for yourself! Figure out which healthy, seasonal foods are your favorites, try various outdoor activities to see which is your thing, and spend time relaxing in the sun. Creating healthy summer habits is good for your body and mind, and it can be enjoyable as well.

Christine Jackson

Christine is the Marketing Manger for WP Rawl. She loves to spend time with her growing family, is a morning kale smoothie lover, and secretly wishes she could be Jennifer Lopez's body double.