on the go

Fuel For Success

Imagine you get into your car to head to work, but it doesn’t start because you put water in the gas tank. Of course, this would never happen - because you know cars require the proper fuel (gasoline) to start and run optimally. 

Now imagine you get into your car (and it starts!), and you head to work. But maybe it feels like you’ve actually boarded the struggle bus  - on your way to work you sit at a stop sign waiting for it to turn green, then your stomach is growling by 9:00, you have a headache by 12:00, and your eyes are just drooping alllll day looong….just me?! I didn’t think so. Just like our cars require the proper fuel to start and run efficiently, YOU require proper fuel to run smoothly and efficiently throughout the day. Let’s chat…  

Fuel For Success

When I started paying attention to what I was eating and also how I was feeling in response, I noticed that I feel my best and do my best when I start the day with a nourishing breakfast - I’m talking one loaded with all the goods (carbs, fats, protein, oh my!). This combination truly keeps me running throughout the day. I know, I know - mornings are rushed and time is limited to make, let alone eat, breakfast! Trust me - I understand. I used to frequently find myself running out the door, with a piece of toast or whatever bar I could find in the pantry - and then inevitably I’d be hungry, tired, and on the verge of a headache by 9 am. 


Smoothies can easily be prepped in advance and travel well (#noexcuses). Not to mention, they are the perfect way to get in a few servings of fruits and veggies along with carbs, healthy fats, and protein first thing.  Veggies aren’t confined to lunch or dinner anymore! They’re quick, easy, and efficient. This green smoothie is one of my favorite energizing smoothies, and with the option to add some protein powder it makes also makes for a great post-workout option. Eat good, feel good - enjoy! 

This post was sponsored by WP Rawl. All thoughts and opinions are my own.