Spring into Action: 3 Ways to Lose Weight and Keep the Pounds Off

Spring into Action: 3 Ways to Lose Weight and Keep the Pounds Off

We searched and navigated our way through the best tried and true tips from the pros – the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics – to bring you information from the nutrition experts including our very own partner and registered dietician, Cynthia Sass. 

The Modern Pot luck: A Great Way to Share Health!

Pot luck dinners are back, but here’s the modern twist: these days dishes shared with good friends over great conversations are Instagram worthy, delicious, and good for you. Forget casseroles drowning in heavy sauces or layered dishes loaded with refined starches and animal fat. Contemporary pot lucks are all about enjoying meals that are simultaneously satisfying and energizing, and greens are the perfect place to begin.

Maple Coconut Collard Green Crisps

Fresh bagged greens can be transformed into a number of beautiful dishes that fit into any course. For example, start with refreshing smoothies served in mason jars, made by whipping greens with green fruits, like apple, kiwi, or grapes, doctored up with mint and ginger. Serve up mini crustless quiche loaded with chopped greens as an appetizer. For a main course serve a brothy stew or veggie soap loaded with greens, in-season veggies, and lentils or beans, or go for a simple stir fry or entrée salad paired with lean protein and a colorful starch, like black rice, purple barley, squash, or yams. You can even incorporate greens into desserts, from sneaking a green puree into brownies or cake, to serving up chocolate dipped or cocoa dusted kale chips.   

Pot lucks offer the opportunity to get creative, play food stylist, and channel with your inner chef. Bonus: lightened up meals will leave you feeling energized, not stuffed and sleepy, because enjoying the company of friends it’s what it’s really all about. So show us your get together. Tag us in a photo of your #BacktoFresh pot luck on social media and we’ll send you a #BacktoFresh t-shirt!   

Super Easy Ways to Be Sweet to Your Heart!

Super Easy Ways to Be Sweet to Your Heart!

February is the month of love and American Heart Month. So why not celebrate both? By living a healthy lifestyle, you can help keep your blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar at normal levels while also lowering your risk for heart disease and heart attack.

Welcome to a Fresh 2016!

First of all, I am so excited to be the Leafy Greens Ambassador for Nature’s Greens and WP Rawl. 2016 marks the beginning of our journey together where we will make small changes to lead a healthier lifestyle and I am excited that you are in for the ride! So let’s get started and talk about clean eating.

Delivering Fresh: An Insight into the World of Truck Drivers

Delivering Fresh: An Insight into the World of Truck Drivers

You've seen them on the interstate. Big trucks with eighteen wheels and a white trailer carrying...well, something. Maybe when you were a kid, you tried to get the driver to blow the horn and considered it an accomplishment of sorts if you succeeded. Chances are, that's the most interaction people have with truck drivers on a day to day basis.

5 Things Not To Forget When You Tailgate

5 Things Not To Forget When You Tailgate

We've all been there. That moment when you arrive at the stadium, heart full of anticipation and excitement. You start setting up your tailgate, and then it hits you like a ton of bricks.

You forgot something.

We want you to be as prepared as you can for all your tailgating needs, so we've put together a list of five things not to forget!